当前位置: 第一枪> 产品库> 电子元器件 > 集成电路/IC > LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘

LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘


LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘

LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘
  • LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘缩略图1
  • LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘缩略图2
  • LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘缩略图3
  • LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘缩略图4

LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘产品详情

  • MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘:MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘
  • 品牌:NXP
  • 封装形式:DIP
  • 类型:数字集成电路
  • 用途:军工
  • 功能:单片机
  • 导电类型:双极型
  • 封装外形:金属壳圆形型
  • 集成度:小规模(<50)
  • 型号:MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘
  • 批号:2017+
 Any occurrence of a pattern match can be programmed to also generate an RXEV
notificatio*the ARM CPU. The RXEV signal can be connected to a pin.
– The pattern match engine does not facilitate wake-up.
8.12 USART0/1/2
Remark: USART0 and USART1 are *ailable on all LPC800 parts. USART2 is *ailable
on parts LPC812M101JDH16 and LPC812M101JDH20 only.
All USART functi* are movable functi* and are assigned to pins through the switch
8.12.1 Features
• <*n class="ft6">Maximum bit rates of 1.875 Mbit/s in asynchronou*ode and 10 Mbit/s in
synchronou*ode for USART function*onnected to all digital pins except PIO0_10
and PIO0_11.
• <*n class="ft6">7, 8, or 9 data bits and 1 or 2 stop bits
• <*n class="ft6">Synchronou*ode with master or sl*e operation. Includes data phase selection and
continuou*lock option.
• <*n class="ft6">Multiprocessor/multidrop (9-bit) mode with software addres*ompare. (RS-485
*sible with software address detection and transceiver direction co*ol.)
• <*n class="ft6">Parity generation and checking: odd, even, or none.
• <*n class="ft6">One tran*it and one receive data buffer.
• <*n class="ft6">RTS/CTS for ha*are signaling for automatic flow co*ol. Software flow co*ol can
be performed using Delta CTS detect, Tran*it Disable co*ol, and any GPIO as an
RTS output.
• <*n class="ft6">Received data and statu*an optionally be read from a single register
• <*n class="ft6">Break generation and detection.
• <*n class="ft6">Receive data is 2 of 3 sample "voting". Status flag set when one sample differs.
• <*n class="ft6">Built-in Baud Rate Generator.
• <*n class="ft6">A fractional rate divider is shared among all UARTs.
• <*n class="ft6">Interrupts *ailable for Receiver Ready, Tran*itter Ready, Receiver Idle, change in
receiver break detect, Framing error, Parity error, Overrun, Underrun, Delta CTS
detect, and receiver sample noise detected.
• <*n class="ft6">Separate data and flow co*ol loopback modes for testing.
• <*n class="ft6">Baud rate clock can also be output in asynchronou*ode.
• <*n class="ft6">Supported by on-chip ROM API.
8.13 SPI0/1
Remark: SPI0 is *ailable on all LPC800 parts. SPI1 is *ailable on parts
LPC812M101JDH16 and LPC812M101JDH20 only.
All SPI functi* are movable functi* and are assigned to pins through the switch
以上内容为LPC1517JBD48E MKE06Z64VLH4 托盘,本产品由深圳市斯瑞特科技有限公司直销供应。



  • 公司地址:中国 广东 深圳  深圳市福田区赛格电子科技大厦
  • 注册资本:501-1000万
  • 企业类型:私营有限责任公司
  • 主营行业:隔离放大器、隔离变送器、电量隔离放大器、信号隔离器、信号转换器、信号调理模块、隔离器、信号分配器、电流转电压模块、电压转电流IC、模拟信号多通道隔离采集模块、


  • 联系人: 朱小姐
  • 电话:0755-29309513
  • 手机:13560767759
  • 邮箱:siruitegs@163.com
  • 地址: 中国 广东 深圳  深圳市福田区赛格电子科技大厦
  • 邮编:412563